Charity Fundraising
Bespoke Height-Based Fundraising Events
Available from most buildings as well as cranes. Options for multiple lines
Pop-Up Roadshows
Capabilities for mobile events
Brand & Corporate
Corporate Events and Experiential Marketing
Zip Wires
Bespoke Zip Wires from cranes or your venue following inspection
Segway Events
Corporate & weekend events. Choose from regular venues or your space
TV & Film
Stunt Coordination and Filming
Bungee & Catapults
The top provider of Bungee Jumping and reverse Bungee (Catapult) in the UK
UK Bungee Club
Regular weekend events hosted at 14 different venues across the UK
STEM Karts - Bring the action into your school
The Big Bang Abseil
Our own fundraising event, designed to be accessible to smaller charities
Coming Soon - 2100ft, 4-line Zip Wire along Scarborough's North Bay
Got an idea that isn't listed here? Get in touch to see what we can do for your event!