YouTubers TommyInnit and DanTDM Bungee Jump and Abseil at London O2!
Nov 22, 2021
2 min read
Rewritten in 2024
Watch the jump on YouTube here!
Video contains explicit language.
On the 19th of November 2021, Big Bang and our brand UK Bungee Club joined YouTubers TommyInnit and DanTDM at the O2 Arena in London for their latest challenges, Abseiling and Bungee Jumping!
As the pair turned up, they were in disbelief whilst watching the test jump being performed by a member of our crew. Two activities were in store for the duo, the first being a surprise abseil, which saw a sceptical Tommy going first, followed by a much more confident Dan.
However, the main event was still to come, and the nerves were building in anticipation of the Bungee Jump! Back into the cage they both went, which quickly got into position at 160-ft. Dan was due to bungee first, and unfortunately hesitated after the first countdown. After a few moments to compose himself, he was given the '3, 2, 1, Bungee' countdown once more, and this time took the leap of faith.
It was now Tommy's turn to Stretch Life Further, and he wasn't sure if he really wanted to! After many of words of encouragement and patience from the Jumpmaster, Tommy finally took the plunge. As soon as he felt the rope catch him, the nerves melted away and he was able to enjoy the experience in all it's glory before being reunited with Dan at the bottom.
Once the adrenaline had died down, excitement hit as the boys reflected proudly on what they had just achieved. However, our team had one more surprise in store for them - a Tandem Bungee Jump. Seeing as a Tandem involves both jumpers strapped together, Tommy and Dan were slightly more comfortable with this following their solo jumps. After a couple of obligatory screams, the two were soon chatting to each other whilst still suspended upside down!
Once landed, they were pleased that the surprises were over for the day!